Emotional Awareness

We can’t prevent, avoid or circumvent our emotions. Our sadness, frustration, anger, hurt, jealousy, etc., are all a part of the human experience. Our emotions are telling us something about how we are processing our experiences. We don’t have to act on them…but we must go through them to get to wholeness.

“We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.” ~ Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

Inhale Emotions, Exhale Stoicism…
Inhale Energy, Exhale Avoidance…
Inhale Experiences, Exhale Repression…
Just Breathe



We can’t prevent, avoid or circumvent emotions. Our sadness, frustration, anger, hurt, jealousy, etc. are a part of the human experience. Our emotions are telling us something about how we are processing our experiences. We must go through them to get to wholeness.

…every emotion offers information about you that is important. When you ignore your emotions, you ignore that information.” ~ Gary Kukav, The Heart of the Soul.

Inhale Energy, Exhale Prevention…
Inhale Experiences, Exhale Avoidance…
Inhale Emotions, Exhale Circumvention…
Just Breathe

Reflections With Renita