Ignite Passion

I often hear people say passion is not enough to sustain us in our relationships, in our work…in our day-to-day existence. But in my observation, the passion ignited when paired with the right person, or the right cause can fuel the journey infinitely…

“Our light is revealed as we strike our gift against the needs of the world…” ~ Mark Nepo

Inhale Passion, Exhale Passivity…
Inhale Sustainability, Exhale Depletion…
Inhale Lightness, Exhale Illusion…
Just Breathe


What’s Important…

“Look for three things in a person – intelligence, energy, and integrity. If they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two.” ~ Warren Buffet

I love this quote from one of my favorite authors on leadership. It includes two of my favorite values…integrity and energy. I define integrity as doing what you say you’re going to do and energy as doing it with some emphasis and enthusiasm!

But I would modify the first word or add to the quote, especially when talking about leaders. I’ve learned that leaders who are also intelligent about the people they work with are the most successful. Emotionally intelligent leaders who understand themselves and how their behaviors impact others are definitely worth the bother.

Inhale Integrity, Exhale Deception…
Inhale Energy, Exhale Passivity…
Inhale Emotional Intelligence, Exhale Unconsciousness…
Just Breathe
