
Isn’t it true that when we most need the tools to quiet our minds, we convince ourselves we’re too busy to use them?

Yet it is only when we are in a place of peace, joy and love that we can accurately discern God’s voice amid the chaos, actually perceive our inner thoughts from the external noise and understand we don’t have be anxious about anything.

“Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10, NIV

Inhale Stillness, Exhale Anxiety…
Inhale Quiet, Exhale Noise…
Inhale Discernment, Exhale Confusion…
Just Breathe


Photo credit: Storm Crypt on / CC BY-NC-ND

I Got Me

Growing up, I was frequently told I danced too much, cried too easily and laughed too loudly. I was admonished to be still, be stoic and be silent.

It took me until my 30s to regain my voice and reclaim my authentic self.

And I discovered it’s never too late to be who you authentically are.

Inhale Me, Exhale Stillness…
Inhale Myself, Exhale Stoicism…
Inhale My Voice, Exhale Silence…
Just Breathe



Today I am grateful for the birth that gave hope to the hopeless. In this season of birth and renewal in the midst of confusion and fear, I am praying for sufficient strength to be hopeful, effective faith to believe, and enough compassion to be loving…

“For a child has been born—for us! The gift of a son—for us!
He’ll take over the running of the world.
His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father,
Prince of Wholeness.
His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings.” Isaiah 9: 6-7, MSG

Inhale Creation, Exhale Suppression…
Inhale Inclusion, Exhale Exclusion…
Inhale Compassion, Exhale Separation…
Just Breathe…


Internal Compass

Everyday we receive guidance about what we’re supposed to be doing.
If we’re still enough to pay attention, we can hear it.
If we’re paying attention, we can recognize what it is.
If we recognize it, we can choose to be obedient.
If we’re obedient, we will act on the guidance we’re given.
And our actions can impact the world…or at least OUR world.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track.” Proverbs 3: 5-6 MSG

Inhale Stillness, Exhale Distraction…
Inhale Recognition, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Action, Exhale Ignoring…
Just Breathe



One of my favorite shows is OWN’s “Greenleaf” which follows the deeds and misdeeds of a family leading a mega-church in the south.

The midseason cliffhanger saw the primary character in a life and death struggle with the show’s primary villain. Her inability to forgive led her to interpret her antagonist’s actions incorrectly, which led to heightened emotions (in this case panic), which led to actions that may lead to results contrary to what she wants.

She has looked for peace in his punishment, but peace can only come through forgiveness…

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18: 21-22, MSG

Inhale Forgiveness, Exhale Punishment…
Inhale Peace, Exhale Revenge…
Inhale Truth, Exhale Vengeance…
Just Breathe

Reflections With Renita


I believe our God given gifts and talents and personality are to be used to achieve our purpose. But whether or not we use those gifts, apply our personalities or achieve our purpose is up to each of us based on our personal beliefs. It’s no one else’s business

Grace says you have nothing to give, nothing to earn nothing to pay.” Charles R. Swindoll

Inhale Acceptance, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Embrace, Exhale Tolerate…
Inhale Grace, Exhale Judgment…
Just Breathe…


Limitless Reality

What we refer to reality is basically our perception fueled by our past experience or what we interpreted from a past experience. When we filter the present through what has happened to us or how we perceived what happened to us, we often respond in ways that actually limit us. What IS real is God’s love and His plans for us.

I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:11, MSG

Inhale Conviction, Exhale Illusion…
Inhale Trust, Exhale Perception…
Inhale Reality, Exhale Story…
Just Breathe



A young activist, whom I’ve grown to respect, recently spent some time traveling outside of his south Chicago neighborhood. The experience opened his eyes, impacting the way he viewed his neighborhood, leaving him disillusioned…desiring more for himself, his family and those he has worked so hard to help…dreaming of a better life.

You can’t be what you can’t see.” ~ Marian Wright Edelman

Inhale Vision, Exhale Confusion..
Inhale Desire, Exhale Delusion…
Inhale Dreams, Exhale Illusion…
Just Breathe…


Sometimes It IS About You…

In this semi-retired phase of my life, I am privileged to have fulfilled my dream of becoming a fitness instructor. And I’ve noticed that no matter how large or small my classes are at the Bar Method, no one is really paying attention to anyone else. In fact, some days, some clients are barely paying attention to me!

Of course, I’m looking at everyone to ensure each client is in the best possible form to get the maximum benefit from every exercise. Everyone else is primarily focused on staying in the present moment, staying in his or her own best form and staying in the exercise.

Most importantly, there is no judging anyone else, no comparison to anyone else, just encouragement to be the best YOU…

Inhale Self-Reflection, Exhale Pretention…
Inhale Self-Care, Exhale Neglect…
Inhale Self-Awareness, Exhale Unconsciousness…
Just Breathe…


It’s NOT Always about You…

A few years ago, I got a protective hairstyle to guard against the Chicago winter and let my stylist talk me out of my plan and into longer hair. I immediately realized my error and went back the next day for a corrective cut. In response to a query from another customer, I explained that long hair did not fit my life style, which she interpreted as a knock against HER long weave.

It is human nature to interpret external data through our personal lens, but it was fascinating that a person I did not know would react to my decision about me as somehow reflecting on her. I immediately thought of the second of “The Four Agreement”s by Don Miguel Ruiz:

1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.

Inhale Perspective, Exhale Personal…
Inhale Global, Exhale Naval-gazing…
Inhale Universal, Exhale Individual…
Just Breathe…
