The fear that stops us doesn’t have to be about something big or super scary…sometimes we’re just afraid of offending or having a conversation that could turn into a confrontation.

I assumed a non-response to a follow up email about swapping a class with another instructor meant the answer was NO. In fact, the non-response was because the instructor did not see my follow up; I found out later, she had anticipated and planned for the swap but forgot to communicate with me.

A simple follow up text or phone call on my part could have yielded the answer I wanted, saved me some energy and allowed me to do what I wanted and needed to do.

I didn’t challenge the assumption so I didn’t get to do what I wanted. I have only myself to blame.

Inhale Affirmation, Exhale Assumption
Inhale Surety, Exhale Speculation…
Inhale Confidence, Exhale Conjecture…
Just Breathe