When the powerful seem to falter, it can be an opportunity for lessor leaders to step into their leadership.
Inhale Opening, Exhale Ending…
Inhale Opportunity, Exhale Impossibility…
Inhale Ownership, Exhale Blame…
Just Breathe
When the powerful seem to falter, it can be an opportunity for lessor leaders to step into their leadership.
Inhale Opening, Exhale Ending…
Inhale Opportunity, Exhale Impossibility…
Inhale Ownership, Exhale Blame…
Just Breathe
Our guts are actually like a second brain, not capable of thought or decision but connected to, influencing and being influenced by the other brain. But when your gut is bloated with chemicals, distended from ingesting too much dead stuff, or addicted to the toxins in processed “food,” it can disrupt the mind-gut connection, resulting in a “gut feeling” that might just be indigestion…
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” ~ Michael Pollan
Inhale Nourishment, Exhale Toxins…
Inhale Moderation, Exhale Over Indulgent…
Inhale Health, Exhale Disease…
Just Breathe
I didn’t always make the best personal or professional choices during my military career…I wasn’t the savviest about cultivating mentors …I avoided the Pentagon like the plague. But my intent was to work hard in every assignment, be my best self, in and out of uniform, and always put myself in a position so I would decide when my career would end.
Because I knew I would not be given multiple chances to make mistakes.
“If you’re going to play the game properly you’d better know every rule.” ~ Barbara Jordan
Inhale Leadership, Exhale Undisciplined…
Inhale Good Judgment, Exhale Irrational…
Inhale Experienced, Exhale Unqualified…
Just Breathe
It’s become obvious to me that the more moralistic the leader, the less moral he is likely to be.
“Morality means acting in ways that are sensitive to the needs of others….Moralism is the assumption that you know the right behavior for everyone…” ~ Thomas Moore, A Religion of One’s Own
Inhale Morality, Exhale Moralism…
Inhale Generosity, Exhale Judgment…
Inhale Grace, Exhale Sanctimony…
Just Breathe
I heard a former Army officer claim a level of U.S citizenship above those who had not served. But we don’t convey citizenry based on military service, race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation; all born or naturalized in the U.S have the same rights and responsibilities.
At least, that’s what our founding documents proclaim…
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” 14th Amendment
Inhale Equality, Exhale Exclusivity…
Inhale Responsibility, Exhale Avoiding Duty…
Inhale Citizenry, Exhale Captivity…
Just Breathe
The U. S. government has a long, sordid history of treating black people as second-class citizens in conflict of our founding documents, the 5th, 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to our Constitution, as well as the Civil Rights, Voting Rights and Fair Housing Acts passed in the 1960s.
Despite that mistreatment, many of us have pledged to “support and defend” this country even to death if death is demanded.
But our commitment doesn’t make mistreatment at the hands of our fellow citizens easier to accept.
“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Title 5, Section 3331, the United States Code
Inhale Faithfulness, Exhale Faithlessness…
Inhale Allegiance, Exhale Apathy…
Inhale Obligation, Exhale Evasion…
Just Breathe
There can be unintended consequences to any action. But a well thought out strategy that takes into account the possible reactions to every action taken to achieve a clear mission, is likely to succeed.
And then there is action for the sake of doing something…
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” ~ Sir Isaac Newton
Inhale Action, Exhale Distraction…
Inhale Reaction, Exhale Distraction…
Inhale Strategy, Exhale Distraction…
Just Breathe
To the extent that you can learn from leaders unfit for leadership, the current administration is a potential goldmine of lessons in how NOT to lead.
I’ve been struck lately by the theme of loyalty; loyalty demanded by #45 to him from those responsible for leading our country’s institution. Their loyalty, of course, should be to the institutions they lead and to the American people.
That not withstanding, loyalty is a lot like respect and trust; it has to be given by the leader to be received by the leader.
Inhale Lessons, Exhale Indifference…
Inhale Loyalty, Exhale Corruption…
Inhale Leadership, Exhale Incompetence…
Just Breathe
I believe the confusing, even contradictory behavior of soon to be former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has been a contributing factor to the historically low numbers of Americans who trust our government (18 percent). Maybe it was too much to expect someone who publically criticized candidate Trump to continue that criticism after the 2016 election.
But like the record number of Republicans who won’t seek re-election, he seemed to have abandoned his values to support #45’s agenda, leaving many Americans to wonder who is willing to hold this president accountable.
“Be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 ASV
Inhale Values, Exhale Expediency…
Inhale Consistent, Exhale Erratic…
Inhale Moral, Exhale Evil…
Just Breathe
I would love to listen to an Alabama Football coach recruiting new players. Year after year, they manage to convince elite 5 and 4 star athletes to commit to a “process” which requires them to compete for the positions for which they were recruited. Sometimes it takes a couple of years for a highly recruited player to break through to starter status. And yet when they do break through, they seem to be more engaged and even hungrier, if that’s possible. It’s almost as if the wait for their moment in the spotlight makes them appreciate it more.
“We create a standard for how we want to do things, and everybody’s got to buy into that standard or you really can’t have any team chemistry.” ~ Nick Saban
Inhale Culture, Exhale Complacency…
Inhale Commitment, Exhale Complacency…
Inhale Consistency, Exhale Complacency…
Just Breathe