Shared Wisdom

I was blessed to have my grandparents in my life until I was fully grown. My paternal grandmother would advise me to “Listen, and listen good,” and proceed to share what she felt I need to know, whether or not I wanted to hear it. She often did not spare my feelings. I am eternally grateful.

“If I don’t tell you, how will you know?” ~ Hattie Pride Smith

Inhale Knowledge, Exhale Stupidity…
Inhale Information, Exhale Cluelessness…
Inhale Experience, Exhale Ignorance…
Just Breathe


Bring It!

Last week, yet another person I know had their book published. There was no reason for me to know he was working on anything…it was an exciting surprise! And another nudge to finish what I’ve started.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Gospel of Thomas

Inhale Forward, Exhale Failure…
Inhale Fulfillment, Exhale Unfilled…
Inhale Finish, Exhale Fear…
Just Breathe


Phase Two

One of my faithful blog readers recently wondered why a particular post had not been widely shared on social media. I thanked HIM for sharing and reminded myself that in this phase of my life, I’m called to share what I’ve learned, regardless of what happens with the information.

“We have taken the wisdom factor right out of modern civilization. We use retirement as the way to get [people] out [of the work force] as soon as possible … just when they know something, just when their experience and their own sense of moral choices has now been developed to a high point ’cause that’s what aging is. It’s the wisdom factor.” ~ Joan D. Chittister

Inhale Aging, Exhale Youth Obsessed…
Inhale Development, Exhale Stagnation…
Inhale Wisdom, Exhale Ignorance…
Just Breathe


A Platform of One’s Own

I heard a negative comment about Jada Pinket Smith’s new Facebook show which features three generations of black women having very transparent, vulnerable conversations.

I didn’t really understand why Smith using her very large platform to share what she’s learned on a variety of topics would be perceived negatively. And I wondered if the commenter was using HER stage similarly.

“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.” Proverbs 11: 14 MSG

Inhale Experience, Exhale Immaturity…
Inhale Knowledge, Exhale Ignorance…
Inhale Wisdom, Exhale Rejection…
Just Breathe


Picture of Hate

When I see pictures of people being actively racist, I am always amazed at how the negative energy is reflected in their faces.

I wonder why they can’t see the toll hatred is taking on their very physicality.
I wonder how they continuously deny the impact of their actions on their psyche.
I wonder how their purpose has been thwarted … perverted.
I wonder what they could be doing if they overcame their fear.

“Hate, when left unchecked, will drain your spirit, tarnish your soul and darken your days.” ~ Dr. John H. Sklare

Inhale Physical Health, Exhale Fear…
Inhale Healthy Psyche, Exhale Hate…
Inhale Purpose, Exhale Perversion…
Just Breathe


I Define Me

Defining others based on our own experiences creates a comfortable sense of familiarity…we think we know them. But whether we’re identifying with or judging another person, our preconceived definitions sometimes prevent us from knowing others truly, deeply and authentically.

Inhale Authenticity, Exhale Misunderstanding…
Inhale Open Mindedness, Exhale Judgment…
Inhale Present Moment Awareness, Exhale Pre-conceived Idea…
Just Breathe


I’m Black and I’m Proud

I am a black woman living in America. Therefore, my experience, whatever it might be, is a black experience.

It might not be your black experience…it might not mirror the experience of many or any black people in America, but it is a black experience … ‘cause I’m black.

Blackity, black, black…


“Say it loud! I’m black and I’m proud!” ~ James Brown and Alfred James Ellis, songwriters

Inhale Experience, Exhale Exclusion…
Inhale Similarities, Exhale Separation…
Inhale Differences, Exhale Division…
Just Breathe



There is no universal black experience in America, no one way of being black, yet black people STAY tryna revoke folks’ black cards, trade those who have transgressed or deny other people’s blackness based on …
the familiarity of their lived experiences…
the amount of melanin in their skin…
the ingredients in their potato salad…
the political party with whom they identify…
how they speak English…
the race of their significant other …
their perceived level of “wokeness”… etc. etc.

My question…how does any one thing become the signifier of blackness?

“I am because we are.” ~ Ubuntu Philosophy

Inhale Experience, Exhale Exclusion…
Inhale Similarities, Exhale Separation…
Inhale Differences, Exhale Division…
Just Breathe



Some strain of colorism exists in every colonized country. And as bad as it is in America, from what I understand it is much worse in countries with a rigid caste system.

But it’s pretty bad in America. And though black Americans didn’t invent colorism, we seem committed to see each other through its filter… which can prevent us from recognizing the magnificent humanity in all of us, regardless of our color.

Until we see each other, and ourselves, we do not exist.

“Sawu bona (I see you)” “Ngikhona” (I Am Here)” ~ Zulu greeting and response

Inhale The Rich Spectrum of Blackness, Exhale Colorism…
Inhale Acceptance, Exhale Colorism…
Inhale Humanity, Exhale Colorism…
Just Breathe



I have always understood that most black Americans have some European DNA but I recently read a study which reported essentially ALL black American descendants of enslaved Africans have European ancestry.

Hmmm … so, basically errbody.

That means whether the introduction of European genes in your black gene pool was limited to the rape of an enslaved ancestor by a white male (a frequent occurrence after the transatlantic slave trade was halted), or your DNA reflects a more recent and/or consensual ingress of white DNA…it’s in there.

And I think that is a good reason to dispense with the “blacker than thou” dismissal of our more obviously mixed race brothers and sisters who claim their blackness.

Inhale Inclusion, Exhale Exclusion…
Inhale Unity, Exhale Division…
Inhale Humanity, Exhale Separation…
Just Breathe
