I Got Me

Growing up, I was frequently told I danced too much, cried too easily and laughed too loudly. I was admonished to be still, be stoic and be silent.

It took me until my 30s to regain my voice and reclaim my authentic self.

And I discovered it’s never too late to be who you authentically are.

Inhale Me, Exhale Stillness…
Inhale Myself, Exhale Stoicism…
Inhale My Voice, Exhale Silence…
Just Breathe


I Define Me

Defining others based on our own experiences creates a comfortable sense of familiarity…we think we know them. But whether we’re identifying with or judging another person, our preconceived definitions sometimes prevent us from knowing others truly, deeply and authentically.

Inhale Authenticity, Exhale Misunderstanding…
Inhale Open Mindedness, Exhale Judgment…
Inhale Present Moment Awareness, Exhale Pre-conceived Idea…
Just Breathe


I’m Black and I’m Proud

I am a black woman living in America. Therefore, my experience, whatever it might be, is a black experience.

It might not be your black experience…it might not mirror the experience of many or any black people in America, but it is a black experience … ‘cause I’m black.

Blackity, black, black…


“Say it loud! I’m black and I’m proud!” ~ James Brown and Alfred James Ellis, songwriters

Inhale Experience, Exhale Exclusion…
Inhale Similarities, Exhale Separation…
Inhale Differences, Exhale Division…
Just Breathe



I’ve noticed that when I am being myself, fully and completely (which means I’m probably laughing), I attract those who can recognize and appreciate the authentic me. So when I’m attracting inauthenticity or experiences I don’t want, I have to ask myself…”Who am I being?”

The life you live is a reflection of what’s going on inside of you.” Oprah Winfrey

Inhale Presence, Exhale Suppression…
Inhale Authenticity, Exhale Pretense…
Inhale Engagement, Exhale Disconnection…
Just Breathe…



People treat us the way they see us treat ourselves.

If we respectfully reject disrespectful behavior aimed in our direction, our action conveys a sense of self, maybe even an inward calm.

If we are comfortable asking for what we want and consistent in our refusal to accept less, we will attract more of what we desire.

There is a risk in demanding what you desire, what you deserve. It could mean you loose what you have. But it could also mean you get what you want.

And isn’t it better to be without, than to settle for less than what you really want?

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Inhale Awareness, Exhale Disregard…
Inhale Authenticity, Exhale Safety…
Inhale Acceptance, Exhale Detachment…
Just Breathe…
