Clear Narrative

I’ve learned that everything I think I know about myself is really just a part of my story, developed over time in response to my interpretation about what was happening to me. And I find that when I look closely, when I pull the pieces apart, when I seek clarity about certain aspects, sometimes the narrative changes.

“We live, embrace and put to rest our dearest things, including how we see ourselves, so we can resurrect our lives anew.” ~ Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening

Inhale Examination, Exhale Assumptions…
Inhale Clarity, Exhale Story…
Inhale Reality, Exhale False Narrative…
Just Breathe


Incomplete Reality

One of the most poignant moments of a recent “Iyanla, Fix My Life” episode was the discovery by siblings that their mother had not abandoned one for the other, but had abandoned them both.

They had both created narratives around their mother’s absence based on incorrect information and these competing, incomplete stories had prevented them from moving forward in healing their relationship.

Fortunately, they had the wisdom and courage to let go of their “realities” and accept the truth.

“Sometimes a change of perspective may be all that it will take to transform a painful experience into an empowering growth experience.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant

Inhale Wisdom, Exhale Status Quo…
Inhale Courage, Exhale Ignorance…
Inhale Reality, Exhale Delusion…
Just Breathe


Filtered Reality

The extent to which some Americans accept as fact the manufactured lies spouted by those holding political power in our country is an alarming example of how our perceptions of reality are impacted by our own blind spots, biases, and bigotry.

“Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom; set your heart on a life of Understanding.” Proverbs 2:2 MSG

Inhale Reality, Exhale Prejudice…
Inhale Wisdom, Exhale Bias…
Inhale Discernment, Exhale Bigotry…
Just Breathe


My Reality vs. Your Reality

I discovered the conflict during a contentious conversation with a colleague, stemmed from our real but different realities. When I realized we were using the same expression for experiences that were NOT the same, I was able to explain the differences, which allowed us to pursue our vision.

It was a lot of extra effort on a relatively small issue. But it kept us moving forward.

“What each of us believes to be true simply reflects our views about reality… when we ignore competing realities … we may fail.” ~ Susan Scott, Fierce Conversations

Inhale Converse, Exhale Clam Up…
Inhale Conflict, Exhale Fear of Confrontation…
Inhale Competing Realities, Exhale Fake Compliance…
Just Breathe…
