Alternate Plan

After planning and executing a few high profile events, I briefly considered event planning as a post Air Force career option. Then I discovered the stress of a demanding career and single parenthood had contributed to a diagnosis of thyroid disease. I recognized I hadn’t handled my busy life as smoothly as I thought I had.

So I reconsidered my phase two career options, resolved to live a more balanced life and reduced activities and acquisitions to what was absolutely necessary to live on purpose.

And so far, so good…

Inhale Reflection, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Resolution, Exhale Ego…
Inhale Redirection, Exhale Stubbornness…
Just Breathe


A Platform of One’s Own

I heard a negative comment about Jada Pinket Smith’s new Facebook show which features three generations of black women having very transparent, vulnerable conversations.

I didn’t really understand why Smith using her very large platform to share what she’s learned on a variety of topics would be perceived negatively. And I wondered if the commenter was using HER stage similarly.

“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.” Proverbs 11: 14 MSG

Inhale Experience, Exhale Immaturity…
Inhale Knowledge, Exhale Ignorance…
Inhale Wisdom, Exhale Rejection…
Just Breathe


Pre-Trauma Growth

The hard-won growth that can come after struggle and trauma is a cause for celebration. But when I heard Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg refer to pre-trauma growth in an interview, I immediately realized she was talking about my favorite way to grow … NO trauma to ME.

When I can see the danger signs and find an alternate route to reach my destination… now that’s when I’m really celebrating.

“Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” ~ Proverbs 18:15

Inhale Teachable, Exhale Hard-Headed…
Inhale Receptivity, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Growth, Exhale Trauma…
Just Breathe


If She Can, I Can…

I usually describe my last military job as the city manager for a small city, in this case the 6th largest city…in South Dakota!

The selection for this group-level command position was a two-step process; first I had to be nominated, then selected for a specific open position. I was on the list of nominees but couldn’t think of one single black woman group commander and I felt discouraged about my chances to be selected.

Then I remembered Brigadier General Toreaser A. Steele, who as a Colonel commanded the 737th Training Group at Lackland Air Force Base in San AntonioTexas.

General Steel represented what was possible and gave me the confidence that what I thought was impossible was possible for me!

Inhale Representation, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Participation, Exhale Exclusion…
Inhale Possibilities, Exhale Limiting Beliefs…
Just Breathe


Internal Compass

Everyday we receive guidance about what we’re supposed to be doing.
If we’re still enough to pay attention, we can hear it.
If we’re paying attention, we can recognize what it is.
If we recognize it, we can choose to be obedient.
If we’re obedient, we will act on the guidance we’re given.
And our actions can impact the world…or at least OUR world.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track.” Proverbs 3: 5-6 MSG

Inhale Stillness, Exhale Distraction…
Inhale Recognition, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Action, Exhale Ignoring…
Just Breathe


Discover Purpose

Not everyone discovers their purpose early or gets sustained support if they do. That doesn’t mean we can’t act on our desires and use our talents to fulfill our purpose … as soon as we know what it is.

In fact, it doesn’t matter how or even when we get to our purpose. It only matters that when the discovery is made, we strive to live in and on purpose.

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” ~ Robert Bryne

Inhale Desire, Exhale Denial…
Inhale Talents, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Purpose, Exhale Distraction…
Just Breathe



There are all kinds of assessments out there to help you understand more about yourself, whether it’s to understand how you make decisions, how you prefer to receive information, or how you can lead effectively. In fact, I’m convinced that knowledge leading to greater self awareness is the key to effective leadership, to include leading yourself.

Of course, that’s only true if the knowledge informs your behavior. For example, knowing you have the analytical ability to ferret out all the factors affecting a decision is great however, if your analytical strength prevents you from making a decision, then it could be considered a liability.

If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy; if you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate; if you’re called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.” ~ Romans 12: 6-8

Inhale Awareness, Exhale Unconsciousness…
Inhale Recognition, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Insight, Exhale Ignorance…
Just Breathe…


Be Still and Listen

Our magnificently complex bodies are intricately wired to give us multiple ways of knowing what we are supposed to know and do. That gut feeling is telling you something you may be unable to articulate logically but that doesn’t mean it is false.

The dream you keep having isn’t less real because it happens when you’re asleep. The desire you have to make a difference is from God. When we listen to our inner voice, access our highest wisdom, feel our most authentic self, our choices become crystal clear.

“There is a voice inside of you that whispers all day long, “I feel this is right for me, I know that this is wrong.” No teacher, preacher, parent, friend or wise man can decide what’s right for you–just listen to the voice that speaks inside.” ~ Shel Silverstein

Inhale Knowing, Exhale Deception…
Inhale Reception, Exhale Rejection…
Inhale Insight, Exhale Ignoring…
Just Breathe…
