
Every now and then our innate and obvious passions and talents are nurtured and developed from the beginning of our lives…we call those people prodigies. Pablo Picasso’s passion and talent for drawing were evident, explored and encouraged from an early age and expanded as a result of his art instructor father’s guidance.

How many budding Picassos are waiting for encouragement to discover their passion?

Inhale Passion, Exhale Putting Off…
Inhale Compulsion, Exhale Indecision…
Inhale Nurturing, Exhale Ignoring…
Just Breathe…


Live On Purpose

Our purpose for being on this earth is to serve the greater good…a higher calling. It is our responsibility to intentionally and deliberately move toward our purpose.

We have the power to end poverty, homelessness, brutality, hunger…as well as all the “isms” infecting our world. But we often let the shear enormity of our purpose stop us from moving forward. We embrace the narrowness of what we can see, the seeming smallness of our current situation instead of the expansiveness of God’s vision for us. We allow the obstacles of our circumstances to stop us from even beginning…

“If you can link the passion you have for a specific activity with a broader purpose that gets you up every morning, that’s what’s been most helpful to me.” ~ Jim Kim President of the World Bank

Inhale Birth, Exhale Inertia…
Inhale Creation, Exhale Constriction…
Inhale Beginning, Exhale Resistance…
Just Breathe…



Most of us have not actually experienced what happens after our bodies cease to function. But some of us have experienced an emptiness that results from not giving into the passion we feel…not allowing our desire to make a difference, not giving voice to our dreams, not allowing our hears to break…not giving birth to what is inside us that will lead us to our purpose. And isn’t not giving birth to the seed inside you the same as death?

“Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Inhale Birth, Exhale Death…
Inhale Being, Exhale Emptiness…
Inhale Beginning, Exhale Desolation…
Just Breathe…
